Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Why did you squeeze the toothpaste from the middle?

It's really easy to ruin a marriage. All you have to do is focus on something that makes absolutely no difference to anyone. Something that in the great grand scheme of things will never really matter to anyone, except your significant other.

When people focus so closely on the little things, they're not in touch with the big things. Today is Valentines day and I'm reflecting what it has taken to put two long marriages together. The first was for 26 years, the third has been for 12 years. We won't talk about the 4 months from hell.

Here's the lesson or at least my view. If you want to get OUT of a relationship, be critical of something like which end of the toothpaste does one squeeze from and when. Oh yeah, that will do it. Before long, your obnoxious behavior will drive someone, nearly anyone, NUTS.

War, peace, poverty, AIDS, homelessness, Veterans' issues and even a bad hair day are way more important than those little obnoxious things people can allow themselves to focus on. If this is what you worry about. Get a life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.