Friday, January 07, 2005

Rawson Significance

How have the many Rawsons around the world contributed to our global community. Wouldn't it be interesting to note such things as:

Discoveries, Firsts, Unique Accomplishments, Humanitarian Events, Social Distinction and more.

Everywhere you turn, people are making a difference in their communities, the cities, their states, nations and in the world we live in. How are we making a difference? What will we as a group or an individual be remembered for?

Do you care?

All good ideas, what are your thoughts? Please. . . don't be shy.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Initial Thoughts

Now that we, the Rawsons have a BLOG, perhaps we can begin to share and become even more of a family.

Rawsons are all over the world. We are Doctors, Attorneys, Educators, Salespeople, Captains of Industry, homemakers and students. We are as diverse a group as any.

So what are your thoughts? Where are you from? Let us know.