Friday, January 07, 2005

Rawson Significance

How have the many Rawsons around the world contributed to our global community. Wouldn't it be interesting to note such things as:

Discoveries, Firsts, Unique Accomplishments, Humanitarian Events, Social Distinction and more.

Everywhere you turn, people are making a difference in their communities, the cities, their states, nations and in the world we live in. How are we making a difference? What will we as a group or an individual be remembered for?

Do you care?

All good ideas, what are your thoughts? Please. . . don't be shy.

1 comment:

Ron Amundson said...

I know of one other Rawson. A young fellow, only a few years older than me, when I was in jr high. John started out bagging groceries. As far as I knew, he never pursued formal education, but he was very driven. I think by the time he was 25, he owned 3 different businesses, as well as the real corresponding real estate. I haven't seen him in years, but I always marveled at the drive he had, and the fact he started with nothing more than a part time job bagging grocerys.